Dr. Michel Schreiber Dr. Helen Schreiber
Specialists in holistic medicine
Family doctors for parents & children


“Allergy” means a changed state of excitability and excessive reaction. The immune system is over sensitive where it should not be. The body reacts to a known or unknown “allergen”, e.g. pollens, house dust mites or certain food substances and consequently produces symptoms such as itchiness, skin rash, wheezing (narrowing of the small airways) or diarrhea. A well accepted medical diagnosis for asthma-like symptoms is “hyper-reactive bronchial system”.



Whether it is hay fever, asthma, neurodermatitis or food allergies, these are all allergic reactions appearing at different places of the body (skin, mucous membrane of the respiratory or digestive tract)  which become manifest at different stages of life of  one and the same person. Very often, there is a family disposition behind the constitutional tendency. Statistics show, that if both parents have allergies, the children have a  60 % risk of developing allergies. Within the family, different family members can be affected differently.


Our concept of a holistic treatment is based on our understanding that the bowels are at the centre of the human body and that the intestinal flora plays a central role regarding the immune system. As a matter of fact, many patients who come to see us because of hay fever or asthma do have long term bowel problems such as bloating, diarrhoea or constipation. However, the relationship between these symptoms and allergies remains unknown to them as it is not recognized in conventional medicine.


The long term treatment and care of the intestinal flora, the strengthening of the immune system through “modulation therapies” such as homoeopathic constitutional treatment and “self-transfusion therapy” or through the regulatory effects of Chinese medicine, are absolutely necessary measures between acute symptomatic episodes. The acute treatment alone, even with natural medicine, is not sufficient to deal with the causes of the chronic problems.