Dr. Michel Schreiber Dr. Helen Schreiber
Specialists in holistic medicine
Family doctors for parents & children

Allergy Tests


Most of the available allergy tests unfortunately do not show reliable results for children under 5 years of age.


For hay fever and asthma, the question concerns inhaled allergens such as pollen, animal hairs and house-dust mites. Here a skin test (“Prick Test”) can be performed in our practice.


Questions about specific allergens can be answered by “RAST Tests” (Radio-immuno-assay). The number of Eosinophils in the blood picture and the level of Immunoglobulin E (IgE) give information about the general allergic status of the body. All these can be done through our laboratory.


For a detailed investigation of food allergies or intolerance of certain substances, we recommend the Allergoplex 44 of the Herborn Institute of Micro-ecology. The even more extensive test Immupro 300 examines the 300 most commonly consumed food substances in Germany. These questions are especially relevant regarding chronic digestive problems, Neurodermatitis and adults who are overweight. The information about these tests is available in our practice. We can arrange the blood sample to be taken and sent to the Herborn Institute.