Family doctors for parents & children
Microbiological examinations
“In the middle, in the bowels, is life!”
The scientific knowledge in Microbiology and Microecology today enable us to understand this ancient Chinese saying. The special microbiological stool diagnostics “Kyber-Status” and “Kyber-Plus” examine the numbers, the types and functions of different intestinal bacteria. 100% of the metabolism – the up-take of nutrients as well as detoxification of waste products – and 70 to 80% of the immune system with its protective layers of immunoglobulins and protective flora are directed here in the bowels. The results of microbiological examinations of stool speciemens serve as diagnosis for clinical problems as well as guidance for their treatment. (Please read the page on “Microbiological Therapy” and link to Work Force for Microbiological Therapy
Billions of most minute organisms, above all bacteria, are settled on our skin as well as our mucous membranes. Their presence in our intestinal tract is especially significant. The intestinal tract has an enormous surface area (about 500 to 1000 square meters) in comparison to that of the external skin of the body (about 2 square meters) or that of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract (about 100 square meters). (The sketch on the right illustrates this comparison.) The number of bacteria present in the small and large intestines alone is estimated to amount to about 100 billion, 10 to 100 times more than the total number of body cells of which the human body is composed of. Together with other most minute organisms known as Microbes, these bacteria form the Microflora of the intestinal tract, or in short “intestinal flora”. Weighing about 2 kg. this is actually our heaviest internal organ.
The greatest part of these bacteria are useful and friendly helpers, so-called “health trainers”. Certain bacteria of the intestinal flora continuously train the immune defence system of the body. A normal microflora in the guts would prevent disease carriers from the external environment from settling on the mucous membrane and penetrating into the body. “Friendly bacteria fight back harmful bacteria!”, as it is said. Through the metabolism of friendly bacteria, nutrients and vitamins (e.g. vitamin K) are produced to supply the cells of the mucous membranes and the body. An intestinal flora optimal in number and function prevents adverse enzymne activities. All these numerous and important functions could only be fulfilled by an intestinal flora normal and healthy in structure.
The metabolism, functions and balance of the intestinal bacteria could be disturbed by environmental factors, unfavorable nutrition, negative stress and medication such as laxatives, antibiotics and cortisone. The disturbance of the intestinal flora in terms of the numbers, function and structure of the different bacteria is known not only to lead to problems of digestion and inflammatory bowel diseases, but is also an underlying cause of many chronic illnesses such as allergies, auto-immune or rheumatoid diseases. This interrelationship, which is only slowly being recognized in conventional medicine, has been supported by our routine work and repeatedly confirmed during our many years of clinical experience.
The different microbiological examinations (of stool specimens) offer us possibilities for diagnosis as well as for treatment.