Dr. Michel Schreiber Dr. Helen Schreiber
Specialists in holistic medicine
Family doctors for parents & children

Vitamins and Trace Elements, Aminoacids


Vita Amin” means substances containing nitrogen (Amin) which are necessary for life (Vita). “Trace elements” refer to those minerals which are only present in trace (extremely minute) amounts but are essential for the most important metabolic functions of our body.


Vitamins have different functions, e.g. in the biological defence against cancer (vitamins A,C,D,E), in the metabolism of tissues of the nervous system ( all of the vitamin Bs) and in the mechanism of blood clotting (vitamin K).  The blood levels reflect the intake of the vitamins and show the amount available for metabolic functions. Vitamin D, actually a hormone, is especially important due to its multiple functions in immune defence, bone metabolism and, not least, as a so-called “wellness hormone”.


The trace elements Selenium and Zinc are necessary for immune defence. Magnesium and calcium are important for internal organs with movements. Depending on the patient’s complaints, the blood levels of many other trace elements can also be investigated. The importance of Selenium has long been under-estimated. Since over the last twenty years there have been extensive studies regarding its many effects.  Selenium is indispensable in the disposal of free radicals, thus also in immune defence, in biological cancer therapy, in anti-aging and the treatment of thyroid diseases, e.g. Hashimoto Thyroiditis. In the same sense Zinc also has anti-oxidative properties. In addition it has its significant value in all skin problems. A low level of Magnesium could cause spasm and heart arrhythmias (irregular rates). Reversely, an optimal blood level of Magnesium could calm down many disturbances of heart rate without organic pathology.    


An optimal supply of our basic building blocks the amino acids can bring surprisingly fast results in diseases like Burn Out or Chronique Fatigue Syndrome, as well as in quite a few neurological problems. These can be given orally or for faster results as infusion.


Nowadays our nutrition is often poor in the contents of vital substances. A laboratory analysis of the available supply of vitamins and trace elements in blood often show alarming results. Treatment with supplements in the case of deficiency usually leads to the fast improvement of states of exhaustion or chronic fatigue (CFS) and increases the ability of performance, especially if an intravenous supplementation is possible e.g. in the form of “power cocktail” infusions.